Saturday 24 February 2018

Week 3 Term 1

On Monday evening we had 'Meet the Teacher' and our annual School Community Picnic Tea. The rain held off for us and a very pleasant evening was had by all.

During Discovery Time there are always so many opportunities to share, cooperate and work as a team, negotiate, take turns, express creativity, fill our tummies while learning to 'slide the knife along the butter as opposed to digging it in!' and of course to have fun. This week we were attempting to lower our voices during the session. We were so much better than last week :)

Wednesday afternoon is our library and computer day. We usually exchange our books first and then go on the computers. So far we have been learning how to log in, locate and create artwork using Tuxpaint, open a blank word document, download a picture and save into our file. Luckily we have many experts in the class to help each other.

On Friday we met up with our buddy class and were assigned a small buddy from Renwick 1. It is an enjoyable responsibility to be a 'big buddy' and Room 5 are taking this challenge on with gusto! Watch out for the photos in the classroom.

Thank you again for your support and cooperation in regard to the school closing on Tuesday. Although there was little damage around the school is always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to the safety of our children.

During maths we have been working telling the time and the concept of time. I was impressed with how much the children thought they could achieve in just one minute. Depending on the activity a minute can seem very long or very slow. Somehow I was talked into doing a plank for a minute to prove my point!! The majority of children have mastered the o'clock and half past. We embarked on the quarter past and quarter to which proved to be difficult for many. Learning to tell the time is a great topic to teach at home as well if you are wanting some extra maths to do.
Next week we will start addition and subtraction looking at tens.

Our reading programme is set to start Monday. I have been listening to the children read and have been very impressed with their skills. For reading homework some children will bring home a reader from school to reread and others can read a book of choice from home. Any questions please come and see or email me.

Have a happy and safe week.

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Week 6 Term 2

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